-- Posted 13 April, 2007 | |

The United States dollar index has dropped below 82 today. We would do well to remember that the index is just a measure of the USD strength in relation to other currencies. It is sort of like measuring the USD with a rubber yardstick. While all currencies are racing to zero the USD just got a little ahead of the others. Check out www.coinflation.com and scroll down until you get to the current melt value of US coins. Notice a nickel is now worth over 9 cents. It seems that the USD has devalued faster than the US mint can cheapen its coins. A safe investment today is to simply trade federal reserve notes for nickels at your local bank and make an immediate profit of 80%. While some people may remind you that it is illegal to melt US coinage, just remember the pre-1965 silver coinage. They do not have to be melted to be worth more than their face value. It will not be long before this little bargain disappears. Take advantage of this easy money while you can. It is just one more example of how fast the USD is devaluing before our eyes. The CPI is such a false number that if anyone else tried to present it as truth they would not be taken seriously. The one thing that the empire can not stand is for the populace to laugh at them. In the last 100 years the USD has lost about 97% of its purchasing power. In 1913 the USD was worth 1/20th an oz of gold. Today it is worth 1/678th oz of gold. In the last 7 years the Dow Industrials have lost almost half its value when priced in oz of gold. Even though the Dow is going up in depreciating USD it is going down when measured in terms of gold (and purchasing power). WE HAVE BEEN ROBBED (and continue to be robbed daily by the empire).
Educate yourself and then fight back and trade the empire’s federal reserve notes for honest silver and gold.
This month is Confederate history month. In honor of our past freedom fighters from the South I offer the following quotes:
General Taylor recalled the occasion in 1865 when the duty fell to him to surrender the last Confederate army east of the Mississippi River. At Union HQ a German, wearing the uniform of a Yankee general and speaking in heavily accented English, lectured General Taylor that now that the war was over, Southerners would be taught “the true American principles.” To which General Taylor-the son of Zachary Taylor- replied that he regretted that his grandfather, an officer in the Revolutionary War, and his father, President of the United States, had not passed on to him these “true American principles.”
The Army of Northern Virginia was never defeated. It merely wore itself out whipping the enemy. --General Jubal Early
The consolidation of the States into one vast empire, sure to be aggressive abroad and despotic at home, will be the certain precursor of ruin which has overwhelmed all that preceded it. --General Robert E Lee
Surrender means that the history of this heroic struggle will be written by the enemy; that our youth will be trained by Northern school teachers; will learn from Northern school books their version of the War; will be impressed by all the influences of history and education to regard our gallant dead as traitors, and our maimed veterans as fit subjects for derision. General Pat Cleburne, CSA
Read 1st hand accounts of history and educate your self. You may just learn something new about something old! Don’t take my opinion as fact (nor anyone else’s) simply seek the truth in all things for your self.
Larry LaBorde,
Silver Trading Company
Larry and Puddy (his wife of 29 years) live in the occupied South along with their two semi-grown children and Deacon the wonder dog. Larry manages the family drilling business and also sells precious metals at Silver Trading Company. www.silvertrading.net
Send questions, comments, corrections or threats to Llaborde@silvertrading.net
-- Posted 13 April, 2007 | |