-- Posted 20 January, 2011 | | Discuss This Article - Comments:

For 10 years I've been hearing from the mainstream media, silver market analysts and even big time silver bugs the various reasons why Silver prices will NEVER skyrocket. There is always some GRAND REASON why my huge price projections of $7,000/oz for silver will never come true. It's gotten to the point that the BEST thing to do when one of these "oh-so-important" discoveries comes to light is to CLOSE YOUR EYES AND JUST KEEP BUYING SILVER!
Now I'm not saying to blindly invest in silver (or anything for that matter) but what I am saying is that as a faithful silver investor you will be confronted with what sounds like VERY good reasons NOT to invest in this precious metal. Biggies. So big that you WILL question your own analysis over and over again and many will choose to leave the silver markets all together. I would even venture to say that SILVER has been denigrated and denounced more than any other investment alternative in the past 40 years.
Many of these SILVER STINK BOMBS seem like VERY sound and reasonable warnings.
So in the spirit of Ebeneezer Scrooge, let's look at these warnings from the PAST, PRESENT and FUTURE.
First the PAST. Remember these...
1. Digital cameras will take over for film use and destroy the demand and price of silver.
2. The Hunt Brothers greatly distorted the price of silver in the early 1980's and the price will never go that high again.
3. There is no longer a supply deficit and now there is an oversupply of silver that will hang over the price of silver forever.
4. Gold is the only real money and silver will never have much investment demand.
5. The Commitment of Traders report is ALWAYS "the tell" when the manipulators are going to slam the price lower.
All of these scary offerings have fizzled out over the years such that they are rarely even brought up anymore...imagine, these very solid reasons for staying away from silver just faded away into the ether.
And now the PRESENT. These days I am hearing:
1. The CFTC fumbled the Position Limits Regulations and has given JP Morgan free reign to rig the silver markets forever so the price will ALWAYS stay suppressed.
2. The ongoing investigations in silver market manipulation by both the CFTC and the FBI will NEVER come to a conclusion.
3. The iShares Silver ETF diverts investment away from REAL physical silver purchases and into this phony silver derivative vehicle so the price cannot rise.
4. The LME manipulators leverage the price of physical silver 100x with paper shorts to massively suppress the real price of silver.
5. China has full control of the COMEX silver short and uses it as leverage over the US.
All of these SOUND like excellent reasons to stay away from investing in silver BUT like all the previous GRAND reasons...these too will fade into oblivion as the price of silver continues it's relentless and unstoppable rise to the heavens.
Now how about the FUTURE? Very soon you will likely start hearing:
1. The Global Monetary and Market Meltdown will destroy ALL investments including silver because everyone is trying to sell assets to cover leveraged losses.
2. They're shutting down the Silver ETF and going to flood the physical market with over 300M ounces of silver to destroy the silver price.
3. The government is going to confiscate all silver mines, warehouse silver holdings and personally held physical silver so you'd better sell it all now while you're ahead.
4. There is an epidemic of fake COMEX and 100oz silver bars so EVERYONE is selling because they don't know what's really in their silver bars.
Truthfully, there will ALWAYS be a new reason to divest yourself of your physical silver holdings. You will second guess yourself over and over and over again. All those "naysayers" who laughed at you for your zealous infatuation with silver investing will come out of the woodwork and say "I TOLD YOU THAT SILVER WAS A CRAZY INVESTMENT!"
Of course amidst all this BAD MOUTHING the silver market manipulators will be covering their silver shorts and positioning themselves with silver long positions BEFORE they let the price proceed with it's inevitable jet-fueled price rise. As a matter of fact, this is what is HAPPENING NOW as that mysterious US bank that holds the gigantic COMEX short has been rapidly decreasing their short holdings according to the CFTC's Bank Participation Report.
Here's the US Bank short contracts for the last 2 months:
11/2/10 30,760
12/7/10 26,332
1/4/11 22,658
Considering each contract represents 5,000 ounces of silver, that US bank has been able to cover over 40M ounces in a matter of 63 days without significantly raising the price. I'm sure they would claim it was "very skillful trading" but we all know it was actually "very illegal market manipulation"!
So now that you've heard all the reasons why you should not buy silver, I ask you to consider all the reasons TO BUY SILVER. As a matter of fact, I believe you should consider selling ALL YOUR OTHER INVESTMENTS and buying as much physical silver as you can take home and store safely...EVEN SWAPPING YOUR GOLD FOR SILVER! Here's all the information you need:
Melt The Witch!
So from now on just block out all those REASONS from the so called "experts" about why the silver rocket is about to run out of fuel. Let the anti-silver prognosticators "pick their poison" as to the NEXT reason why the Silver price rise is dead...
May the Road you choose be the Right Road.
Bix Weir
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-- Posted 20 January, 2011 | | Discuss This Article - Comments: